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The PWNA Blog : Thursday, April 14, 2011

Responded to email from Eric Clark on the hotel food for the convention

Emailed Kory Finley about the Fleet Washing course at the Tampa Round Table

Emailed Mike Hilborn for the board member monthly insert in the Cleaner Times article

Emailed Mike Hilborn for the answer key to the house washing certification

Forwarded email from Evan Wood to Charlie Arnold on a roof algae question

Spoke with Danielle Ferris at the Hotel Preston on restaurant service

Responded to email from Daniel Westmaas of Tattomax on the San Diego Round Table registration - Fleet Washing Certification

Emailed Danielle Ferris a question on the cut-off date on contract

Emailed Mike Hilborn on what banner he wanted at the NOLA event

Responded to Membership registration received from Michael Whitson - requested payment and insurance

Emailed Eric Clark on server information for hotel

Responded to email from Danielle Ferris re: adding server information to contract

Responded to email from Robert Hinderliter on comments page from Todd Fries

Emailed Jaclyn at MinuteMan Press for a shipping package for one banner

Responded to certification registration from Ronald at [email protected] for certification course at the San Diego RT

Emailed Terri Perrin information on the NCE event in Tampa on on Mike’s message from the board article

Emailed Don Schwartz on ADP log in issue

Emailed Gretchen @ Impressive Print on changes to the certificates

Forwarded email from Danielle Ferris @ the Hotel Preston to Eric Clark on meal set up

Emailed the hotel details and contract to the convention committee

Responded to email from Danielle Ferris re: final contract

Responded to email from Brad Frost of Sud n Clean on House Washing test score

Responded to email from Eric Clark on meal set up at hotel

Emailed Danielle Ferris on luncheon set up

Responded to email from Ron Musgraves on banner exchange

Responded to email from Don Schwartz on break log in and log out rules

Responded to email from Terri Perrin on Clearer Times deadline extension and emailed Mike Hilborn the extension information as well

Emailed Eric Clark for approval on bulletin board post on the comment and suggestion extension for the proposed BMPs

Responded to email from Danielle Ferris @ the Hotel Preston on luncheon set up

Responded to email from Robert Hinderliter on contracting Todd Fries

Emailed Eric Clark on luncheon set up at the convention

Emailed Mike Hilborn revised proofs for the certification certificates with Gretchen’s notes on changes

Responded to email from Robert Hinderliter about registering Mike Hilborn and Daryl Mirza for the Environmental seminar in Houston in July

Daily activities post for Wednesday, April 13, 2011