Power Washers of North America
The contractors association for the power and pressure washing industry.

PWNA Members Area


The Power Washers of North America is the recognized leader in developing and communicating the highest standards in ethical business practices, environmental awareness, and safety through continuing education and active representation of the membership. PWNA educated and trained contractors raise the level of professionalism and value to their customers.


As a member of PWNA, I believe in fair and honorable practices and pledge to maintain the highest ethical standards in my business, and I obligate myself and my employees to work by the following Code of Ethics: I will, at all times, conduct my business in a fair and honorable manner. I pledge to represent our products and services as they actually are, to do what I promise and to promise only what I reasonably can do, to compete fairly with others on the basis of the merit of my products and services, and to refrain from making false or misleading statements about my competitors or their products or services. I commit to help any and all fellow PWNA members in the furtherance of industry knowledge. I promise to comply, both in spirit and letter, with all rules and regulations prescribed by law and by government agencies for the health, safety and well-being of my employees, the public, and the environment. I further pledge to perform all services within any Standards and through the use of any Best Management Practices adopted by PWNA.


PWNA Financials

PWNA Website Marketing Information

PWNA Committee Information

These documents and any information enclosed within the documents, contains confidential, restricted and/or privileged information and is intended only for authorized screening and/or confidential presentation at PWNA's discretion. If you are not the intended observer of these documents, you must not disseminate, modify, copy/plagiarize or take action in reliance upon it, unless permitted by PWNA of this document. None of the materials provided on these documents may be used, reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including recording or the use of any information storage and/or retrieval system, without written permission from the PWNA. PWNA diligently protects its confidential and proprietary information and will take any necessary measures to enforce compliance with the above statement.