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News From PWNA : February, 2008


Update from PWNA Immediate Past President, Paul Horsley


President Resigns - Interim President Takes Over

Many of you may already be aware that Everett Abrams has resigned as President for personal reasons. His letter of resignation can be viewed Here . On behalf of the PWNA I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to Everett for his leadership during the past several months and wish him every success in the future. Everett has made significant contributions to PWNA over the years and I am sure I speak for all of you in saying that his efforts have been greatly appreciated.


As the Immediate Past President, I am stepping forward as Interim President until we have a strong unified board of directors with a strategic plan.






PWNA Management Designation and

Office Re-location


We thank Legacy Services, LLC for their assistance in getting PWNA's books back in order over the last year and a half. The Legacy Team has worked long hours handling membership, meetings, financials, and day-to-day operations without being made financially whole for over nine months.  This effort kept PWNA afloat at a critical time, and the Association would not be standing today, if it were not for the commitment of Legacy and Beaudry to "see it through". The head office is now being moved to Chicago, Illinois, and the day-to-day operations and membership roster will be now be managed by Mike Hilborn, current PWNA board of director. The new office will be open by March1st, 2008. The new mailing address is: P.O. Box 469 Wood Dale, IL 60191-9998



Move Date:


March 1, 2008.


New Address:



P.O. Box 469

Wood Dale, IL 60191-9998






Get Involved:


PWNA Advisory Board Formed

Several genuine concerns about the solvency of the PWNA in the past 18-to-24 months have been identified. I want to assure you that everything possible is being done to address member concerns. An Advisory Board has been formed that includes myself, Doc Reisman, the current Board, as well as several founding members and members at large. Rest assured that we will initiate action to get PWNA back in good standing as soon as possible.


Conference 2008

The Advisory Board is committed to do everything possible to ensure there is a National Conference in 2008. The annual conference is recognized as a significant member benefit that ensures valuable networking and education opportunities for both members and vendors alike. If you have any ideas or input you would like to share about the next conference, please contact PWNA HQ: 1.800.393.7962.


Reducing Costs for Board Members

Contrary to what some members have been led to believe, every member of the Board of Directors has always been required to personally pay for their travel and related expenses when attending PWNA meetings and events. Your membership dues never have - and never will be  - used for the personal benefit of any member. This financial sacrifice has been identified as a deterrent that may make it difficult for some people to volunteer to serve on the Board of Directors. To address this concern, the Advisory Board is investigating the feasibility of using a new Web-based meeting service that will enable any interested member to 'attend' meetings from the comfort of their home or office. I firmly believe that this will help to restore confidence in PWNA and address the needs of our members. While it will not preclude the need for an annual meeting, it would enable us to meet as a membership several times a year for a nominal 'per hour' fee that would be paid by each 'attending' member.


A Call for Volunteers

I also want to challenge you to step up to the plate. If there was ever a time that the PWNA needed you, the time is now! Several positions on the Board of Directors remain vacant and we need these positions filled as soon as possible.  I encourage you to come forward and volunteer your services by contacting me at 403.860.7909.


Once Nominations have closed, we will invite members to vote - possibly using an on-line service to facilitate the voting process.


The PWNA Board of Directors is currently comprised of:


·      Paul Horsley, Interim President (with the support of Doc Riesman)

·      Tom Bickett, Treasurer

·      Mike Hilborn has moved from Director to Vice President

·      Charlie Arnold has advanced from Director to Secretary

·      Joel Rimler, Dan Galvin and David Gierlack remain as Directors


Moving Forward

 I am committed to working with PWNA members over the coming months to get the organization back on track.  I see 2008 as a year of rebuilding bridges and restoring confidence in the Association. This group was established as a non-profit organization 15 years ago - let's all pull together to clean up the negativity and turn this back into an association that we can all be proud of.




Paul Horsley

Scotts Pressure Wash


Power Washers of North America
P.O. Box 469, Wood Dale, IL. 60191 · Fax
Toll Free:
1-800-393-7962 · · Email: [email protected]